Tuesday, May 17, 2011
the donut
Monday, April 25, 2011

Thursday, January 21, 2010
follow the yellow-leafed path....

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
rainy days delight me
Ting. Ting. Droplets fall on my hand shovel and make the loveliest sound. The rain starts by tiptoeing and then breaks into exuberant dance.
The garden is magnificent in the rain. The banana trees have grown so tall that their leaves form a majestic umbrella. Perched beneath is the perfect spot to watch the earth quench its thirst. The smell of pine permeates the air except for intermittent whiffs of lemon jojoba conditioner in my damp hair.
The cool weather has had a remarkable affect on the lettuces and swiss chard. They are happily sprouting. Most of the tomatoes, however, have had a long, prosperous season and sadly are waning. I did manage to pick a basketful of tiny golden tomatoes that look like jewels. Small pear-shaped black plum tomatoes are just ripening so tomato heaven will last a bit longer.
I trimmed the red veined sorrel so that the tender new leaves won’t have to reach through the forest of the seasoned ones. Baby white eggplant dangle and sway in the wind.
It’s time to dry off a bit…..
Sunday, October 11, 2009
chilly air...
Things have been extraordinarily busy which has left little time for writing…until this very moment.
The crisp air is settling in and making me crave all the delights of fall – one of my favorite times of year. I have been eyeing candy apples in shop windows and giant pumpkins being sold on street corners by the same men that picked them hours earlier.
Leaves rustle and shake themselves loose. Tuesday we’re expecting a much needed rain. I love the rain except when my roof has yet to be fixed. A few tarps will have to deter the droplets from sneaking in.Monday, August 24, 2009
a bit of garden maintenance...
On this warm morning I've driven over to the house and have several hours to spend in the garden. It was just enough time to tie the leggy tomatoes to their trellises, clear the bed that recently housed enormous squash plants (unfortunately, they got a bad case of powdery mildew and withered away), fill that same bed with Scarlet Nantes carrot seeds and pick the tiny dark seeds from my dried kale pods for future plantings.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
baby lemon bundts